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Holy Spirit, started preparing me for the year 2024, during the summer of 2023. I'm a firm believer that sometimes God will speak to us in a way that we can understand. For example, if you work with numbers like an accountant, He may speak to you through principles of financing. Or, if you're in the medical field, He may speak to you using medical terminologies. Throughout the Bible, Jesus spoke in parables, and most of His parables were related to agriculture because during that time, people were farmers, fishermen, and involved in other types of trades. He spoke in a language that they could practically understand.


God speaks to me through sports. One of my favorite athletes of all times is Kobe Bryant, a professional basketball player. He wore the number 24 with the Los Angeles Lakers. I had the opportunity to meet Kobe in 1999 during my time working at the Philadelphia Airport. I had the opportunity to have a conversation while walking with him from Terminal B to Terminal D on his way back to Los Angeles after the hiring of Phil Jackson as the new Lakers coach. Kobe was so excited about the opportunity of possibly winning an NBA championship. One of the things that intrigued me the most about Kobe Bryant was that he embraced the mantra of "Mamba Mentality" as his guiding principle. This powerful mantra encapsulates a mindset of relentless determination, unwavering focus, and a never-ending pursuit of excellence. In the case of "Mamba Mentality," it serves as a reminder to approach every day with the same intensity and dedication that Kobe displayed on and off the basketball court. The same can be said for the "Kingdom of God!" Just as a mantra serves as a source of inspiration and motivation, let "Kingdom Mentality" fuel the fire within (Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16), urging us to push past our comfort zones and reach new heights of faith (Romans 1:17). "Kingdom Mentality" embodies our relentless pursuit of greatness and serving others (Matthew 18) – never settling for mediocrity. Kobe said, "Mamba Mentality." It's a constant quest to try to be better today than you were yesterday." 


As I continued my study on the concept of The Kingdom of God, I realized that the foundation of understanding lies in the transformation of my mentality or mindset. It became clear to me that to fully grasp the power and significance of "The Kingdom of God," we must first address the way we think and our perception. The Holy Spirit began revealing to me that "The Kingdom Mentality" goes beyond mere knowledge or intellectual understanding. It requires a complete shift in our thought patterns, beliefs, and perspectives. 


When Jesus began His public ministry, His first words were, as recorded in (Matthew 4:17), "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." This was a prophetic statement of a new way of thinking and living. This statement is about aligning our minds with the truth and principles of God's Kingdom. Throughout the gospels, Jesus constantly emphasized the importance of having a Kingdom Mindset. He taught parables and shared profound truths that challenged the conventional wisdom of the time. He wanted His disciples and all who followed Him to break free from the limited thinking of the world and embrace the limitless possibilities of the Kingdom

Jesus spoke about the Kingdom being within us (Luke 17:21) and how it should impact every aspect of our lives. Jesus encouraged us to seek first the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33). It's not just about attending church services or engaging in religious activities, but about living with a Kingdom Mentality in every moment of our lives. The Holy Spirit reminded me that "Kingdom Mentality" is about surrendering our agendas and allowing God's will (Matthew 6:10) to manifest in and through us. It's about recognizing that we are citizens of a Heavenly Kingdom (Ephesians 2:12) and embracing our identity as sons and daughters of the King. 


As we embark on this journey together at Movement Church, we invite you to join us in person for gatherings every 2nd and 4th Sunday, tune in to our Midweek Infusion on Facebook Live, and visit our blog called Reveal (link below). 


Through these platforms, we will share a fresh revelation from the Holy Spirit on the Kingdom of God. Let's open our hearts and minds to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit as we seek to develop a Kingdom Mentality. Together, let's dismantle the strongholds of limited thinking and embrace the abundant life that Jesus promised through His Kingdom. May our lives reflect the truth and power of the Kingdom, impacting the world around us for the glory of God.  


Maurice Suggs  

Senior Leader, Movement Church Philly 

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Writer's picture: movementchurchphillymovementchurchphilly

Part 2

The Revival Fire is WITHIN - It's the fire of the Holy Spirit!

In the last few weeks, we have witnessed a sign of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at “The 2023 Asbury Revival." Revival is entirely the work of the Holy Spirit and not of man. Revivals are planned and carried out by the Holy Spirit. The one characteristic that distinguishes a revival from a typical act of the Holy Spirit is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is not to say that the acts of the Holy Spirit are graded or that one is superior to another at any time, but rather that God chooses to present Himself in amazing ways during revivals. Fire is the symbol of the Holy Spirit and of revival. In Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured forth, there appeared tongues of fire on each of the disciples.

2023 is the year of the FIRE of the Holy Spirit! One of the many roles of the Holy Spirit is to empower and equip believers to do miracles, signs, wonders, and proclaim the gospel with power for salvation (Acts 3:1- 6; 5:12-16; 6:8-15; 8: 4-25).

Acts 2:1 "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all on one accord and in one place.'"

Before the FIRE was released all believers were in unity and working together. God desires greater TEAMWORK in HIS Body! Acts 2:2 "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."

1st REVIVAL RELEASES THE SUDDENLIES over our lives!! We declare quick and unexpected breakthroughs over your lives in Jesus' Name.

2nd REVIVAL has a sound! The KINGDOM of GOD has a sound!

3rd The SOUND filled the whole house first.

This is the season of spontaneous coming together in worship, prayer, fellowship, and being one accord in prayer, purpose, unity, and faith.

The disciple’s prayer posture was sitting - the same posture of Mary in Luke 10:39. Mary sat at Jesus’s feet and listened to what Jesus was saying. There was power released in the SOUND of HIS VOICE! REVIVALS shift our agendas to seek first the KINGDOM of God. Martha found herself “distracted by her many tasks” (Luke 10:40).

The prerequisites for REVIVAL are prayer and repentance. Revival starts in our hearts first. Acts 2:38-39 says, "then Peter said to them, “repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” Peter said that the first step is repentance. Repentance is changing one’s heart, mind, and behavior. This passage also reveals that the "the Fire of the Holy Spirit is a generational promise!

Prayer is critical for revival. Prayer is the preparation for the supernatural! Matthew 7:7-12 says, “ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened to you." Keep asking, seeking, and knocking in this season!

Revival keeps us spiritually hungry for God. Spiritual hunger is connected to our health and growth in CHIRST! Matthew 5:6 says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” During this revival, God is doing the filling. John 7:37-38 says, "on the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “if anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

We prophesy fresh and living water is flowing out your hearts and through your repentance, every river dam that is stopping the flow of the Spirit in your life is being uncapped now in Jesus name! We can’t say we believe in Jesus, but deny the purpose and power of the Holy Spirit! Revival is the full acceptance of the Holy Spirit, and this releases the PRESENCE, POWER, and FIRE of God in the earth.

Maurice & Michele Suggs

Seniors Leaders of Movement Church Philly

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Writer's picture: movementchurchphillymovementchurchphilly

Part 1

Daniel 3:23, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell into the midst of the furnace of blazing fire still tied up.”

2023 is a year of DECISION!!! A year to make our decisions in FAITH! The 3 Hebrew boys made a decision to go in the fire and not run away from it. Yes! You heard it right! They fell into the midst of the fire with bold FAITH

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had the opportunity to leave according to Daniel 3:22, “Because the king’s command was urgent and the furnace was extremely hot, the flame of the fire killed the men who carried them up.”

The fire is not going to kill US but reveal what’s in US!!! What the enemy intends for evil, God will use for good (Genesis 50:20). Don’t run from the intensity of warfare this year. The warfare is connected to our posture of worship before the REAL KING Jesus Christ. King Nebuchadnezzar was so upset because of the Hebrew boy’s radical worship that he cut the fire up 7x hotter. Know this…we have already won the battle because of Jesus’ obedience at the cross. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

Daniel 3:24 “Then Nebuchadnezzar the king [looked and] was astounded, and he jumped up and said to his counselors, “did we not throw three boys who were tied up into the midst of the fire?”

The enemy in 2023 will try to restrict our worship. Nebuchadnezzar pointed out that they were tied up. This spirit was trying to control their worship before God. Don’t allow the enemy to restrict your worship this year. We must be intentional with radical worship (this will require us to do new things) and press into God’s presence like never before! The Hebrew meaning of restrict is to limit, constrict, confine, or cramp. The fire of the Lord is bringing new levels of freedom and victory. Daniel 3:25 records that “Nebuchadnezzar’s counselor said, “Look! I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” What just happened in the fire? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s worship caused a greater level of deliverance. They were loosed and walking around in the mist of the fire. WOW! How powerful is that? What the enemy means for our destruction, God has given us authority in and over! God is bringing a supernatural movement in the fire - receive it NOW in Jesus name! The fire of the Lord this year may be a divine, set-up to bring new levels of deliverance and freedom in our lives. The counselor said that they were not hurt. What does that mean? That means they were healed and free. The fire of the Lord is going to bring a new level of healing in our lives. Our worship in the fire is going to cause us to get closer to Jesus. The counselor said that he saw a fourth man like the Son of God. The fire of the Lord is going to cause us to get a fresh revelation of who Jesus is and bring fresh encounters with Him. The counselor worshipped other idols and had no concept about God the Father or Jesus, but God used the fire to bring a revelation to him. God is causing the fire to bring a NEW GLORY to HIM. It’s causing people who are unbelievers to radically encounter Jesus and be converted!

We must understand the flames of a fire have several different colors naturally and each represent different things prophetically.

White, Yellow, Red, Orange, and Blue

White represents purity, cleansing from sin, and renewal.

Yellow represents glory, the presence of God, compassion, submission to God, and humbleness.

Red represents purifying in the blood of Jesus.

Orange represents warfare, courage, endurance, power, deliverance, and passionate praise.

Blue represents the Holy Spirit, intercession, and revelation.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego experienced every level of intensity of the fire. They walked in the fire as boys but walked out as Men of God. In this season of our lives the fire is going to cause supernatural growth and maturity. We declare that God is working in the midst of the fire this year! Fire from our enemies is causing the fire within to increase! What is the fire within? That’s the fire of the Holy Spirit!

By: Maurice and Michele Suggs, Lead Pastors

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